

  1. Otani T, Suzuki M, Takakura H, Hanaoka H. Synthesis and biological evaluation of EGFR binding peptides for near-infrared photoimmunotherapy. Bioorg Med Chem, 105, 117717 (2024)

  2. Otani T, Hattori Y, Akaji K, Kobayashi K. Macrocyclic BACE1 inhibitors with hydrophobic cross-linked structures: Optimization of ring size and ring structure. Bioorg Med Chem, 52, 116517 (2021)

  3. Kobayashi K, Otani T, Ijiri S, Kawasaki Y, Matsubara H, Miyagi T, Kitajima T, Iseki R, Ishizawa K, Shindo N, Okawa K, Ueda K, Ando S, Kawakita M, Hattori Y, Akaji K. Structure-activity relationship study of hydroxyethylamine isostere and P1' site structure of peptide mimetic BACE1 inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem, 50, 116459 (2021)

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